Easy language

This is the website of MannheimTaxation

Here you can find a lot of information about MannheimTaxation.

On this page you will find information in Simple English.

A lot of people find Simple English easier to read.

There are many reasons for this:

  • Some people have difficulty reading English.
  • Some people have disabilities.
  • Some people have difficulty understanding long sentences.

Simple English does not only mean using simple words.

Simple English has clear rules.

Simple English is a specific way of writing.

This is why it is written in capital letters.

Here you can find easy-to-read information on:

  • What you can find on our website.
  • How you can find information.

What is MannheimTaxation?

MannheimTaxation is a research initiative
of ZEW and the University of Mannheim.

It strengthens the exchange between researchers
in law and economics.

The researchers focus on tax policy.

How to use this website

Below you will find a guide to using all the features of our website.

At the top on the left of our website there is a large logo.

The big letters say “MANNHEIM TAXATION”.

Clicking on this logo will take you back to the MannheimTaxation homepage.

The homepage is the first page you see
when you visit our website.

When you are on another page on our website,
you can click on these letters.

This will always take you back to our homepage.


Sign Language and Simple English

On the right hand side, there are 2 small symbols.

The symbol with the two hands mean: Sign language.

Sign language is a language for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Select this symbol to find videos in sign language.

The symbol with the book means: Simple English.

Here you can find information written in Simple English.

You are currently on this page.


Contact, Imprint and Data Protection

On the right of the symbols there are three words.

Clicking on these words
will take you to other pages on our website.


  • Contact

This page has information on Katharina Nicolay.

She works at ZEW.

She is a member of the MannheimTaxation Board.

If you want to contact Katharina Nicolay
you can find his telephone number and his e-mail address here.


  • Imprint

Here you can find our imprint.

There are a lot of legal information on ZEW.

ZEW does economics research.

  • To help us understand the economy.
  • To help us understand how the economy will look in the future.

MannheimTaxation is a research initiative of ZEW
and the Faculty of Law and Economics at the University of Mannheim.

Thus, ZEW hosts and manages MannheimTaxation’s website.


  • Data protection

This page has a lot of legal information.

It explains how this website collects and uses your data.


Main Navigation Bar

At the very top you can find many words.

Clicking on these words will take you to other pages on our website.


  • Home

This will take you back to our homepage.

Just like the logo at the top.


  • About

On this page you can find information about MannheimTaxation.

It is written in long sentences.

You can find the same information in Simple English
at the top of this page.

Where it says: “What is MannheimTaxation?”


  • People

On this page you can find the people who are part of MannheimTaxation.

The people are divided into categories.

It is easier to organise all the people this way.

Here you can find names and qualifications of the people who are part of MannheimTaxation.


  • Events

On this page you can find events.

Most of the events are conferences for researchers.

Information about these conferences can be found on this page.


  • Research

On this page you can see the topics of MannheimTaxation.

There are four topics.

You can get more information
by clicking on the topics.


  • PhD Programme

This page has a long text.

The text explains the PhD Programme of MannheimTaxation.

The Programme helps young researchers get their doctorate.



On the top right, there is a white box with a magnifying glass.

This allows you to search the MannheimTaxation website.

Click on the box and type words into the box.

Click on the magnifying glass or hit “ENTER”.

This will give you a list of results with things that interest you.




First of all, you will find the word “Home” and a small text.

The text explains what MannheimTaxation is.

You can find the same information in Simple English
at the top of this page.

Where it says: “This is the website of MannheimTaxation”



Below you can find News.

Here you can see all current content from MannheimTaxation.

The content is sorted by date.

Older content is on the second page.


To switch to another page with News,
click on the numbers at the top.


At the bottom, there are big letters.

Some of the people who are part of MannheimTaxation are also part of ZEW.

That is why their logo is on the MannheimTaxation homepage.


The letters on the right are the logo of the University of Mannheim.

Some of the people who are part of MannheimTaxation are also part of the University of Mannheim.

That is why their logo is on the MannheimTaxation homepage.


In the centre is the logo of the Leibniz Association.

MannheimTaxation gets money from the Leibniz Association.

That is why their logo is on the MannheimTaxation homepage.


Below is the crest of the state of Baden-Württemberg.

MannheimTaxation gets money from Baden-Württemberg.

That is why their crest is on the MannheimTaxation homepage.


On the right, there is a blue circle.

Inside the blue circle, it says “TOP”.

Click on the circle
to get to the top of the page.



At the very bottom is a blue bar.

It has many words in it.

On the left is the address of ZEW.

ZEW runs the MannheimTaxation website.

That is why its address is on this website.

There are five different options on the right:


  • Report barrier

Did you find a barrier on our website?

Click on “Report barrier” to report this.


  • Accessibility Statement

This page has legal information on accessibility
of the MannheimTaxation website.


  • Contact

This page has information on Katharina Nicolay.

She works at ZEW.

She is a member of the MannheimTaxation Board.

If you want to contact Katharina Nicolay
you can find his telephone number and his e-mail address here.


  • Imprint

Here you can find our imprint.

There are a lot of legal information on ZEW.

ZEW does economics research.

  • To help us understand the economy.
  • To help us understand how the economy will look in the future.

MannheimTaxation is a research initiative of ZEW
and the Faculty of Law and Economics at the University of Mannheim.

Thus, ZEW hosts and manages MannheimTaxation’s website.


  • Data protection

This page has a lot of legal information.

It explains how this website collects and uses your data.