The Leibniz ScienceCampus MannheimTaxation is a joint initiative of ZEW and the University of Mannheim. MannheimTaxation fosters high-quality research and serves as a platform for the scientific community and policy-makers to discuss and disseminate research results on the broad field of taxation. The guiding theme is the design of future tax policy in light of European and global integration, and new economic and societal challenges (such as globalization with internationally operating firms or digitalization).

International Conference with Diverse Contributions on Tax Research
In September 2024, the eleventh international MannheimTaxation Annual Conference took place, marking another milestone for MannheimTaxation, coinciding with the start of its new funding period. Over 90 participants from around the world gathered to discuss numerous recent studies in tax research…
read moreOECD’s Global Tax Reform Surprisingly Positive for Developing Countries
In October 2023, the OECD released a multilateral agreement reigniting the debate on the taxation of the digital economy. The UN proposed an alternative tailored to the needs of developing countries. Both proposals aim to grant states new taxing rights. While the OECD approach has been criticized in…
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11th Annual MannheimTaxation Conference
MannheimTaxation and ZEW Mannheim are pleased to announce the eleventh anniversary edition of the Annual MannheimTaxation Conference on 5 and 6 September 2024. This year’s keynote speakers are Jennifer Blouin, professor of accounting and financial management at the University of Pennsylvania, USA,…
read moreEnhancing Germany’s Attractiveness to Businesses through Tax Reform
The current Mannheim Tax Index of ZEW Mannheim underscores Germany’s continued status as a high-tax country in global tax competition. The effective average tax burden for profitable investments is 28.5 per cent in 2023 – nearly 10 percentage points above the EU average. However, potential measures…
read more10 Years MannheimTaxation Anniversary Celebration at ZEW
On November 27, 2023 we celebrate 10 years of the Leibniz ScienceCampus MannheimTaxation. Numerous program items at the ceremony promise a stimulating evening. Examples from research will provide insights into the ongoing work. The event will be held in German.
read moreSvea Holtmann Joins MannheimTaxation
We are happy to welcome Svea Holtmann to MannheimTaxation, who is the new MannheimTaxation fellow from July 2023 onwards. Welcome to Mannheim and MannheimTaxation!
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